Market Survey

An initial research effort is undertaken to ensure that full information on the positions and the client are obtained. In addition to job descriptions and other factual information, the consultant will attempt to understand the corporate culture, business philosophy and strategy of the client to determine personality fit and requirements.

Set Target List

A target list of companies (normally 60-120 target companies), followed by a list of relevant individuals, is drawn up. This initial target list is to be agreed with the client to ensure maintenance of existing relationships with vendors, suppliers and other protected entities



All the identified individuals (number varies but could be in excess of 100 researched persons) are approached in a discreet and professional manner to assess their suitability in terms of their experience, personality and motivation.  This is normally a quick process, which takes no longer than 10 minutes and is usually done on the telephone.  At this stage, the name of the client is not disclosed.  Adequately qualified candidates will be invited to further interview to qualify their technical skills, management skills, and also interpersonal skills.


Further Interview

Selected candidates from the pre-qualification phase are further qualified in screening interviews.  At this stage, the objective is to sell the opportunity while at the same time demonstrating the candidate’s level of interest and commitment to change.  The latter element is important in dealing with a potential counter offer.  This is where a thorough position specification helps facilitate the best results. We will attempt to identify as many selling points as possible about the role, the company, and the candidate’s proposed boss, so that we are able to provide a thorough “benefit sell” of the opportunity to the candidate.
Our Consultants are skilled in behavioral interviewing techniques, these being more effective than experienced based or opinion based techniques.  We strongly believe that past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. It turns out that traditional interviewing approaches are responsible for 80% of bad hiring decisions.  Whilst we do obtain information about credentials and experience, the verbal interview is focused on behavior using the SARGE method: Situation/Action/Results/Get a reference supporting the behavior/Evaluation



Qualified candidates are profiled in confidence to the client and, after discussion; a shortlist of at least 3 candidates for each position is drawn up for first interviews with you. AT the short listed profile, we will attach the candidates’ accomplishment, motivation, management skills and personality, current package and expectation.



A minimum of 1 reference is taken per short-listed candidate.


Client Interview

All the short listed candidates are thoroughly briefed on the client and the requirements of the roles.  At this stage, a confidential report is provided on the candidate, together with a detailed resume.  The client is also briefed on each candidate and advised on any areas for further discussion at interview.  Suggestions will be offered on how to interest each short listed candidate in the opportunity, together with suggestions on behavioral based interviewing techniques.  If deemed appropriate, and necessary, the Consultant will attend the interviews.



Both the candidate and the client will be fully debriefed, after which further shortlist will be presented for final interviews.  Throughout the selection process a continual dialogue is maintained between the consultant and the candidates to assess the level of interest and sincerity to change, in addition to job and personality fit.


Offer and Acceptance

We would advise the client to make the offer through China Recruiter, as we are best placed to handle the delicate process of negotiation, and to represent the best interests of both parties to ensure that expectations are matched and all needs fully considered.  This avoids problems surfacing later in the process and minimizes the impact of the counter-offer.
Resignation and counter offer
This is undoubtedly the most critical phase of the process.  Experience with us has shown that the successful individuals are highly valued by their organizations and counter-offers or loyalty sentiments, stirred up by this emotional event, may jeopardize the entire process. This is the reason why we place strong emphasis on qualifying a candidate, in respect of his motivation to change, in the initial stages of the search process.  The risk is minimized by the Consultant’s close monitoring of the resignation process and through preparing and counseling the candidate to handle any counter-offers.
Acceptance and start
Once the offer is accepted, the start date is confirmed.  Thereafter the consultant will ensure the candidate commences his employment, and that all settling-in difficulties are identified and resolved.


Post Acceptance

We China Recruiter believe that a successful acceptance and start does not entirely mean a successful placement. It is critical for a new employee to get used to a new working environment within the first 3 months when a falloff is likely to occur. We will maintain close contacts with clients and candidates to identify and resolve any unexpected problems within this period. Furthermore, we will provide continued consultancy to both of our clients and candidates for the first year so as to guarantee that our placements generate great value.

China Recruiter
Recruiting Expert In Industrial Sector

Our Process